Thursday, July 5, 2012


Another week of the summer gone like the blink of an eye. This one was full of celebrations. On Saturday we spent the morning at one of the local parks with J riding his bike and me trying to keep up running after him. 
That afternoon was a residency graduation party for our friend Keith and then we headed over to Stacey's birthday party, which was a country theme... yay for cowboy boots! Unfortunately we weren't able to go with the group line dancing since it was literally in the middle of no where and out of range of J's pager.
On Sunday we celebrated J's last year of training officially beginning!! And the next thing you know, it is the 4th of July. Growing up we had great cookouts, fireworks, and going down to DC with family and friends. As much as I love this holiday it is also hard, all the patriotism, remembering and missing Jeff.
Somehow, J had the day off. We had a picnic brunch that I was enjoying so much until I was stung by a wasp 3 times... not fun.
After a few tears from my sting, we headed over to our pool for the afternoon before heading over to J's Aunt and Uncles for more celebrating of our Independence! 
The only thing missing was fireworks. A pretty bad storm blew in right at dusk cancelling the show. I didn't even light a sparkler! Note for better planning next year. All in all a great week of celebrations.


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