Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Magic of an Ordinary Day

We are usually pretty busy here at ECGML doing this, that or the other thing. Traveling, celebrating, baking, or heading out on the town with friends. But this weekend we kept it low key. We spent Friday night in, Saturday we met J's Aunt for lunch, worked out and then watched movies. And today was just lovely... just an ordinary day. The forecast was for a day filled with snow showers so we hit the road for our Sunday drive. We went through our favorite little town, Chagrin Falls and looked at the new home construction of places we could imagine living someday... right next to this barn with Clydesdale horses.
We hunted for pizza by the slice... realizing that we might as well drive the 7 hours to NYC for it. Then headed home to a crock pot dinner, some crocheting, a nap, and watching our little baby kitty play with her latest toy. Just one of those ordinary days that we love.


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