The winter solstice is today, the start of winter, the beginning of days getting longer! It is also, and more importantly, my best friend Natalie's birthday! Natalie is oh so far away, living literally on the other side of the planet for a few years and I miss her so much.
Thank goodness for technology! I can pick up the phone and talk to her anytime. Like the other night when I called her after a holiday party where I was a wee bit tipsy and we talked and talked. Well, I think I did most of the talking but it was wonderful to know she is always there for me.
And she is. Always there for me. We met in 1993 when we had both made the Drill Team (soon to be called Dance Team) and were suitemates at summer camp. And she has been there for me since. Whether it is all through high school together... (us in 1997)
a crazy NYE night downtown DC...(NYE 2003)
going with me to try on wedding dress after wedding dress for my wedding... (photo care of Natalie! and yes, I was trying on ALL those dresses in the photo during summer 2007)
or just on the other end of the phone on a random night, she is there for me. And I know she always will be. Happy Birthday Natalia! Can't wait to celebrate with you when you are home to visit!!
the beginning is the end is the beginning
6 years ago
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