I came home to J telling me we had plans, plans that I knew nothing about. He had something planned a small surprise date night. I about fainted. We got ready and headed out for the night. Unfortunately... the life of a surgeon calls. Right as we hit the road he gets paged about a patient he operated on earlier in the day. And wouldn't you know it, they were bleeding and he had to take them back into surgery.
So we ate a super quick dinner at Bone Fish, I dropped him off at the hospital and spent the rest of my date night solo. While J was operating I got part of my surprise which was to meet up with my cousin John, Aunt Ann and Uncle David who were in town for the evening from Cincinnati for a choir performance.
John had texted J about it earlier in the day and he kept it a secret so we could go out to dinner before and out downtown after... well, that was the plan. Even thought he missed out on most of the night it was such a cute idea. Major bonus points for J and so nice to see some family in Cleveland!