The strangest thing happened to me today. I am in line at Panera for lunch and the girl next to me asks me if I have a blog. "WHAT?!? How is this possible?" I am thinking. It wasn't a totally random person. She is friends with a cousin of my friend Laura. But still, someone I don't know out there in the ether who reads these silly little ramblings of my life. Kinda weird, kinda random, but kinda cool as well.
So here is a shout out to Panera lady and to anyone who reads this that I don't personally know! Follow along and let me know if you have a blog that I can follow too.
And when I got home with this interesting story, these were on the counter...
My husband, my darling husband, not only brought these flowers home but made my favorite dinner. And why you ask? He got news that he passed his surgical board exam!! Apparently when Jared was growing up and his Dad got promoted he would bring gifts home to the family and Jared was doing the same thing. Oh, what an adorable man. :)
the beginning is the end is the beginning
6 years ago
Hi I am the random Panera lady! I hope I didn't freak you out by saying hi - just couldn't get over seeing someone in person that I was reading about. I started reading blogs a few years ago and kept up on yours when I realized you were living in Ohio. You seem to find all the interesting things to do around here and I grew up here! Take care - Debby
your phone call seriously made my day last week! i don't think i've ever laughed so hard! we always said we wanted to be famous . . . haha!
p.s. hi deb!!
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